Medievil (F) (SCES-01492) Protection Fix

Medievil (F) (SCES-01492) Protection Fix
Categories, ,
Create Date1 novembre 2020
Last Updated27 juin 2023
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  1. PS1recall
    Déc 13, 2021

    Yep. C’est la même pour moi :

    “You are attempting to run a libcrypt protected game without an SBI file:

    SCES-01492: MediEvil (France)

    Your dump is incomplete, you must add the SBI file to run this game. “

    le tout sur DuckStation
    En tout cas cimer du partage !

    • rubinho146
      Déc 13, 2021

      Looks like a problem with Duckstation. They might have a database and made it mandatory to have an SBI file with the iso.
      If you use ePsxe, PSXFin or other emulator, it works fine.

  2. Choukt
    Nov 20, 2021

    Ne fonctionne pas pour moi. “You are attempting to run a libcrypt protected game without an SBI file:

    SCES-01492: MediEvil (France)

    Your dump is incomplete, you must add the SBI file to run this game. “

  3. alexbois760
    Août 11, 2021

    dear rubinhot .can you explain me what mean protection fix

    • rubinho146
      Août 11, 2021

      Dear alexobois, it is the game without the Libcrypt protection. Without it, you can progress after Level 4

      • alexbois760
        Août 11, 2021

        thank you for answering me.that is right i can not enter level4 in both emulator(psxfin and epsxe) .thank you for uploading this iso.i have questions:
        1) if someday i want to search an iso game without libcrypt protection(like crash bash) .what key word i write in google????
        2) i test sbifiles it doesn’t work(not on your iso of course) i put it in in the patches folder of epsxe(version 1.9.25)

        • rubinho146
          Août 11, 2021

          No need of key words on google, soon all the protection fixes will be added on this site. We’re still looking if we should make a new section just for that or not.

          • alexbois760
            Août 11, 2021

            thanks for answer .but i m afraid that one day the website will be down.i know about 10 iso websites are dead even websites from 2005.yesterday i discovered that nicoblog is dead .that s why i asked you about a key word that helped me to found iso like yours

          • rubinho146
            Août 11, 2021

            Well, the best way is getting the patch files itself, you can find some patch files in ppf format here:
            You need an account to see the content, brill is doing every crack he can to all PS1 games. You can start there.
            Best regards.

  4. Ferlaud
    Fév 20, 2021

    Quand je lance il y a les cinematiques normales, mais apres mon jeu apres les cinematiques vont vite et ca recommence a l’infini

  5. le_vieux
    Jan 22, 2021


    J’ai tenté de rejouer à Medievil sur Batocera (Raspberry Pi 4), mais bloque au Mausolée de la colline (disque avec triangle jaune). Ce fichier fonctionnera avec Batocera?


  6. laloye
    Jan 17, 2021

    merci c’est cool !

  7. Daniy Dan
    Déc 3, 2020

    Hello, fonctionne sur PSP en eboot.pbp.

  8. dingdangdong
    Nov 4, 2020

    BIG Thanks to rubinho146 for uploading all these patched versions of Medievil

  9. goodspeed57
    Nov 2, 2020

    pas besoin de sbi pour lemulation et pas besoin de patché le jeu pour ensuite le graver

  10. gord2020
    Nov 2, 2020

    Bonjour, c’est quoi la dif avec la version précédente (non protection fix) ?
    Merci d’avance et super site “d’utilité publique” 😉

    • rubinho146
      Nov 2, 2020

      The difference is that this one the protection is removed and you don’t need any SBI.
      YOu can run on the emulator, burn to a disc, convert to eboot on the PSP with no problems.

      The other version has the libcrypt protection and you are forced to use the SBI.

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