Looking for UEFA Challenge (PAL) in Italian for PS1

Accueil Forums Requêtes PS1 Looking for UEFA Challenge (PAL) in Italian for PS1

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  • #14308

    Good evening, i’m an Italian user who has found by chance this incredible website. You’re doing a great job, and you helped me out with rare and obscure games a lot of times. Anyway, i’ve got a little request for you. Could you please add (in the next updates) the game Uefa Challenge for PS1, PAL edition in ITALIAN? Please, the language is very important cause i’ve already downloaded it in English so i was just curious to find the Italian version of it. It was already available at Nitroroms, but unfortunately their website is down at the moment… Hope you consider this request, thank you in advance. Hope i haven’t done too many errors 😀

    Maître des clés

    Thanks for the compliments 😉 there was no mistakes lol, best english i ever heard lol

    I’ll add it, no problems


    Oh thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂
    I was so insecure lol!! First post written in a forum for me! It was a completely new experience! Wish i was that good with french though… Anyway, thank you for your answer and for having found the game!!!

    Maître des clés

    You’re welcome 😉 game is now ready for download, just search for UEFA inside the search bar

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée le il y a 7 années et 10 mois par renzukoken.
    • Cette réponse a été modifiée le il y a 7 années et 10 mois par renzukoken.

    All right!!! You’ve made it man!!! You deserve all my respect also for the image of your profile (Squall Leonhart rules!)
    I’m a Final Fantasy fan too, although my favourite character is Rikku (both from the X and X-2 chapters)… 🙂

    Maître des clés

    I would vote for Rinoa, my best caracter ever!!! you would understand why 😉

6 sujets de 1 à 6 (sur un total de 6)
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