Disney Tarzan (Fi) (SCES-02184)

Disney Tarzan (Fi) (SCES-02184)
Categories, ,
Size303 Mo
Create Date27 février 2018
Last Updated27 février 2018
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  1. Nimenomaan
    Juil 28, 2021

    This game crashes in almost every stage where you play as an adult Tarzan. Except Camping level, Ship level and surfing with Jane level. I don’t know why this happens, but I hope I can find some help xD Every other game has worked without any issues. But I fear that Tarzan disc might not been in the best shape. Or the files have some problems.

  2. Dargorin
    Avr 16, 2020

    I just wanted to thank you for having the Finnish version of this game, i’ve been looking it for ages and just randomly came up with this page <3

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